• greigb
  1. What can Lyα emission from galaxies tell us about reionization?

    Email:  charlotte.mason@cfa.harvard.edu Abstract The reionization of intergalactic hydrogen in the universe’s first billion years was likely driven by the first stars and galaxies. The timeline of …


  2. Morphology of cosmological fields during the epoch of Reionization

    Mon 22nd July, 2019 @3:15 PM, level 6, David Caro Building Akanksha Kapahtia, Indian Institute of Astrophysics Email:  akanksha.kapahtia@iiap.res.in Abstract Neutral hydrogen is the dominant component …


  3. Interferometric Imaging with PURIFY: Real Observations + Wide-field Corrections

    Thurs 4 July, 2019 @12:00 PM, level 6, David Caro Building Luke Pratley, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London Email:  luke.pratley@gmail.com Abstract The standard methods …


  4. Exploiting non-Gaussian information to better understand the first stars and galaxies

    Wed 3 July, 2019 @2:15 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Dr Catherine Watkinson, Imperial College London Email:  c.watkinson11[at]imperial.ac.uk Abstract The SKA and HERA are expected …


  5. Bayesian Model Selection with Future 21cm Observations of The Epoch of Reionisation

    Wed 26th June, 2019 @14:15 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Tom Binnie, Imperial College London, UK Email: t.binnie16@imperial.ac.uk Abstract We apply Bayesian statistics to perform …


  6. To Illuminate the Dark Ages

    Wed 5th June, 2019 @14:15 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Dr Yuxiang Qin, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa Email:  yuxiang.qin@sns.it Abstract The measurement of the cosmic …


  7. The Evolution of Super-massive Black Holes from Broadband Radio Surveys

    Wed 29 May, 2019 @14:15 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Dr Nick Seymour, Curtin University Email:  nick.seymour[at]curtin.edu.au Abstract Radio surveys are unique probes of accreting …


  8. ZFOURGE & MOSEL : Emergent Galaxies at z~3.5

    Wed 15 May, 2019 @14:15 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Dr Kim-Vy Tran, UNSW Email:  kimvy.tran[at]gmail.com Abstract ZFOURGE and MOSEL are deep observational surveys that …


  9. What reionized the Universe?

    Mon 13th May, 2019 @14:15 PM, level 6, David Caro Building Dr Koki Kakiichi, University College London Email: k.kakiichi@ucl.ac.uk Abstract Study of reionization is now experiencing …


  10. The Simba Simulation

    Fri 3rd May, 2019 @15:15 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Professor Romeel Davé, University of Edinburgh Email:  rad@roe.ac.uk Abstract The growth of black holes and …


  11. The future of gravitational-wave astronomy

    Wed 1st May, 2019 @14:15 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Dr Paul Lasky, Monash University Email:  paul.lasky@monash.edu Abstract Gravitational-wave astronomy is now a reality. In …


  12. Magnetar Magnetospheres under the Microscope

    Wed 6 March, 2019 @12:00 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Dr Matthew Baring, Rice University Email:  baring[at]rice.edu Abstract Magnetars are young neutron stars with high …


  13. Detecting new supernova remnants with GLEAM

    Thurs 28 Feb, 2019 @12:00 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker, ICRAR Email:  nhw[at]icrar.org Abstract Using images from the GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky …


  14. Illuminating the Cosmic Web with Fluorescent Ly-alpha emission

    Wed 13 February, 2019 @12:00 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Assistant Professor Sebastiano Cantalupo, ETH Zurich Email:  cantalupo[at]phys.ethz.ch Abstract Our standard cosmological model predicts that …


  15. What is the Dark Matter: the importance of Baryons

    Mon 11 February, 2019 @14.15 PM, level 6, Opat Seminar room Prof Tom Quinn, University of Washington Email: trq[at]astro.washington.edu Abstract The standard model for cosmology states that …


  16. Baryonic effects on next-generation cosmological probes – How will we get the accuracy required?

    Wed 30 January, 2019 @12 PM, level 7, David Caro Building Dr Matthieu Schaller, ICC Durham Email:  matthieu.schaller[at]gmail.com Abstract In recent years cosmological hydro-dynamical simulations of …


  17. Applications of Machine Learning in Stellar Astrophysics

    Wed 12 December, 2018 @12:00 PM, level 7 Dr George Angelou, MPA Email:  gangelou[at]mpa-garching.mpg.de Abstract Astronomy is now very much a big-data science. Gaia has had …


  18. The role of turbulence, magnetic fields and feedback for star formation

    Wed 05 December, 2018 @11:30 AM, level 6 Dr Christoph Fedderath, ANU Email:  christoph.federrath[at]anu.edu.au Abstract Turbulence and magnetic fields determine the structure of the interstellar medium. …


  19. Big Screen Science: The Dish

    Sun 7 Oct, 2018 @3.45 PM, Cinema Nova Dr. Rachael Livermore, DECRA fellow University of Melbourne Email: rlivermore[at]unimelb.edu.au Celebrate space and stars with a fun event …


  20. Big Screen Science: Contact

    Sun 30 Sep, 2018 @3.30 PM, Cinema Nova Dr. Rachael Livermore, DECRA fellow University of Melbourne Email: rlivermore[at]unimelb.edu.au Celebrate space and stars with a fun event …


  21. Tracing high-z galaxy kinematics from turbulent disks to quenched spheroids

    Wed 12th September, 2018 @12:00 PM, level 7 Dr Emily Wisnioski, ANU Email:  emily.wisnioski[at]anu.edu.au Abstract The depth of the KMOS3D Survey has allowed us to study …


  22. Are neutron stars turbulent?

    Fri 7th September, 2018 @11:00 PM, level 7 Dr Anthony Van Eysden, Montana State University Email:  anthonyvaneysden[at]montana.edu Abstract Instabilities and turbulence in neutron stars have been …


  23. Constraining asymmetry in Europa’s oceans

    Wed 22 August, 2018 @12:00 PM, level 7 Conference Room Marshall Styczinski, PhD student University of Washington Email:  mjstyczi[at]uw.edu Abstract Induced magnetic fields from Europa, measured …


  24. Exploring the effects of crystallographic orientation on shock features in Martian meteorites: how does the orientation of a crystal affect how it bends or breaks?

    Thurs 16 August, 2018 @14:00 PM, level 6 Opat Room Dr Lucy Forman, Research Associate Curtin University Email:  lucy.forman[at]curtin.edu.au Abstract Shock features within Martian samples are …


  25. New frontiers in exoplanetary and stellar astrophysics with Australian observational facilities

    Wed 08 August, 2018 @12:00 PM, level 7 Associate Professor Rob Wittenmyer, MINERVA Observatory, University of South Queensland Email:  rob.wittenmyer[at]usq.edu.au Abstract Mount Kent Observatory at the …


  26. Enhancing EoR limits – spectral accuracy of the MWA

    Wed 6 June, 2018 @12:00 PM, level 7 Dr. Nichole Barry, Postdoctoral Researcher University of Melbourne  Email:  nichole.barry[at]unimelb.edu.au Abstract Epoch of Reionization observations have the potential …


Number of posts found: 56