Baryonic effects on next-generation cosmological probes – How will we get the accuracy required?
Wed 30 January, 2019 @12 PM, level 7, David Caro Building
Dr Matthieu Schaller, ICC Durham
Email: matthieu.schaller[at]
In recent years cosmological hydro-dynamical simulations of representative volumes have reached a level of maturity where they can be compared effectively against observational data. They can also be used to shed some lights onto galaxy formation processes and how they affect the distribution of baryonic and dark matter. Understanding these effects are a key element required to fully unlock the science of the next generation cosmological probes such as the Euclid mission. In this talk, I will review some results from the EAGLE set of cosmological simulations focusing on the aspects highlighted above. I will then discuss the challenges that lay ahead in terms of simulation complexity and how we are tackling some of them using our new modern and open-source simulation code SWIFT.