Full of Orions? dissecting extreme, dusty starbursts on (k)pc-scales

Wed 11th March 2020 @2:15 PM, level 7 Conference Room, David Caro Building
Dr Matus Rybak Leiden University

Email: mrybak@strw.leidenuniv.nl


Sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs) play a key role in the early Universe and are an important laboratory for understanding the most extreme star formation. However, our understanding of SMGs — what drives their intense star-formation? what are the physical properties of their star-forming ISM? – requires high angular resolution, long unavailable in mm/FIR wavelengths.

The start of ALMA operations in 2011 was a quantum leap from barely resolved SMGs to kpc-scales studies, matching or even exceeding the resolution achieved for present-day galaxies. A further order-of-magnitude jump in resolution – down to ~100-parcsec scales – has been provided by strong gravitational lensing.

I will showcase recent results from resolved multi-tracer (FIR, CO, C+) studies of dust and gas in z>2 SMGs at (k)pc resolution. Combining the superb angular resolution and high-frequency capabilities of ALMA, gravitational lensing and radiative transfer modelling, our results provide an unprecedented view of the conditions in these extreme star factories down to 50-pc scales .