The Masters Program (MSc in Physics)

The Masters Program (MSc Physics):

The 2-year MSc in Physics program is a HECS-supported degree that is 50% coursework and 50% research. You will undertake 8 graduate physics subjects, and a year-long research project culminating in a public presentation of your work and a 50 page thesis describing the research you’ve done. The goal is for your project to reach a publication-worthy  state in a peer-reviewed scientific journal by the end of the Masters program.

Choosing a research project: We’ve listed very brief project ideas for each research area (accessible through the Research link) on the webpage. If you are interested in an area and would like to learn more, you should contact the faculty member directly. We strongly encourage you to talk to different faculty members before applying.

Choosing subjects: The seven of eight subjects are chosen from the list of graduate Physics subjects (see the handbook), while the eighth subject is a Professional Tools subject to develop your wider skill set.  For example, a common Professional Tools subject covers scientific writing. You may choose to substitute in 1-2 other subjects (such as programming) as well.Your supervisor will give you advice on your course plan and help you decide which subjects to enroll in.

Choosing a supervisor: The first step in applying for the MSc program is to reach out to potential supervisors and discuss research opportunities in their group. You should talk with potential supervisors before submitting your application.

Funding: In most cases, the MSc program is self-funded along the lines of the Bachelors, although there is limited financial support through supplementary scholarships and awards. Additionally, most MSc students earn extra income while developing their teaching abilities by acting as demonstrators and tutors in undergraduate subjects.